Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Substitue Teacher -- Mr. Dad

So I took a day off and scheduled a Lady's Day Out on Monday November 2nd. Sunday night I wrote up my lesson plan and Monday morning I passed it along to Kevin! Actually, I got the kids through Reading, Writing, and started with Math before I ventured off for the day; but then Kevin took over and finished Math with the kids, he managed to do a science lesson and worksheet with the kids, review our home address and phone number, read a book and had a discussion with the kids on it, fed them morning and afternoon snacks and lunch, and then took them to the zoo and park!!!! All of this in a 4 hour period of time! I am very impressed, since the zoo and park were his idea and a complete bonus. He even wrote down the notes I asked for in the lesson plan. He earned an A+ as a substitute in my book. What started out as hesitation on his end has resuted in a plan for him to substitue once a month. Not a bad idea considering Home-schooling is truely a family effort.

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