Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yoga and Batting Practice

On Wednesdays, the kids and I have been going to a Family Yoga class. The kids love it, and so Dad came with us this past week. Some of the kids favorite positions are: Bridge, Bee, and Child Pose (Pictures shown). Riley said her favorite was the Elephant pose, and Camden liked the Owl. My favorite is Downward Dog, and Tree. This class is very basic, but that is why it works so well for the family. Even Kevin said it was fun!

Following Yoga we head upstairs and use the batting cage for a little year round batting practice. This is Camden's sport, but Riley and I are sure to get some fun in too. Even Daddy had a turn this week...Can you say, Go Team Rickman!

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