Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earth Day

There was an Earth Day Fair to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, and the family attended it on Thursday. We had a great time walking around and talking to vendors about ways we can protect and reserve our planet. In the weeks leading up to Earth Day on April 22nd, we made buttons for our shirts, read stories, made t-shirts, learned about Recycling, reducing, and reusing, discussed how planting trees are important and planted a tree from a seed (and it is now sprouting!), we planted our garden seeds in small containers and have them in our green house waiting to be transplanted in our garden in the weeks to come, and Kevin planned a clean up day with the kids on Earth Day by picking up the garbage in the revene behind our property.

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