Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I realize I have not updated this blog since before Christmas...So here is all the stuff we have done: Reading: Camden has completed the Bob Books series 2 and is now reading first step readers independently. Riley is still reading the Bob Books, however she IS reading them! Writing: Both kids have been writing one letter a day, both upper and lower case; also they have been keeping a journal in which they have to write 6 words describing the given topic. Language Arts: We have finished discussing short vowels sounds and have moved on to long vowel sounds, as well as defining noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun (mostly done with Mad Libs). Math: Riley has started reading and solving addition sentences. Camden is still practicing addition and subtraction, as well as telling time and reading time. We will be moving into measurements next. Riley will be learning time next. Social Studies: Both kids have been learning about Ancient Egypt...we even wrote our names in Heiroglyphics with Charcoal! Science: We are combining science with art and we are growing a tree from a seed, we have discovered that primary colors combined can make secondary colors, and we have learned that salt water is more dense than fresh water. Art: We have discovered color and lines, as well as compared different works of art and discussed how the colors portray certain feelings. These have been the academics in a nutshell.

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