Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Science Goggles

I have been wanting to make these goggles since August, but have waited until we actually did a science expirement. Today we learned about Solids, Liquid, and Gas. We did the "Magic Balloon" experiment (use an empty water bottle, add 4 tbls. vinigar, set aside. Next fill a deflated latex balloon with 2 tbls. baking soda using a funnel. Stretch balloon opening over water bottle opening carefully--do not allow powder to fall into bottle. When ready, lift balloon to make a solution, and watch the chemical reaction. What happens?) and the kids eyes were suprised at the reaction. Following the experiment, they each drew a picture of the before and after. We have the pictures hanging up in the learning room.

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