Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

behavior chart

I am implementing a weekly/monthly behavior chart in October. I think the traveling in September has thrown the family routine off. This is a visual for the kids to see how their behavior is during the day. I used it last year, but steered away from it over the summer. The kids loved it and often reminded me to record their day's outcome. I'll try it for the month of October to see if it helps.

August/September Work

Here is a photo of the kids with most (not all) of their worksheets over the past 5 weeks (they have work books in most subjects as well that are not shown). I save work that I need to observe improvements on such as writing, coloring, and personal projects; all other work gets saved for Dad to look through and file/dispose of as he chooses.


Wedneday, The kids and I took a family yoga class...It was a blast. I will try to bring my camera this comming week, no guarantees though. After all, it is YOGA! We loved it and have decided that Wednesdays are for Yoga and following, Batting practice! Gotta love the YMCA.


Camden is digging math! He learned how to do vertical math earlier this week (although I am not sure he likes it yet) and we have talked about how each digit has a place (1s, 10s, 100's etc.). Riley has been very motivated to learn how to tie before Camden, and also is striving to read along side of him. She needs to learn how to blend her sounds, but then she will give Camden some competition.

Science Goggles

I have been wanting to make these goggles since August, but have waited until we actually did a science expirement. Today we learned about Solids, Liquid, and Gas. We did the "Magic Balloon" experiment (use an empty water bottle, add 4 tbls. vinigar, set aside. Next fill a deflated latex balloon with 2 tbls. baking soda using a funnel. Stretch balloon opening over water bottle opening carefully--do not allow powder to fall into bottle. When ready, lift balloon to make a solution, and watch the chemical reaction. What happens?) and the kids eyes were suprised at the reaction. Following the experiment, they each drew a picture of the before and after. We have the pictures hanging up in the learning room.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


School was limited last week because of all the hussle and bussel, however I did manage to get in a few lessons. I have to share how proud I am of Camden though. He has really been trying to read, and while we were in the grocery store, he used my notebook and pen to write out his own addition problems, and then solved them. We have company visiting Monday and Tuesday so I will continue to limit the lessons, however, we will be schooling Wednesday-Sunday this week. I will update this weeks outlook soon.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sackets Harbor

We went on an outing to Sackets Harbor where we learned a lot about the war of 1812 between the British and Americans. Camden loved every bit of it, while Riley tired very easily...she was a "trooper" though. Camden kept calling the soldiers, wariors, which I found funny. I realized that I never told him they were soldiers until the very end! We have also been "playing" alot and using our imagination. The next couple of weeks we will be visiting family so our studies will be in Maine, I am very excited about that. There is so much to do and see, and the kids will get to experience so much while we are there.