Marley is my Helper.

Marley is my Helper.
He helps the kids remember to Listen, be Respectful, and use Manners.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

St. Nicholas

We have been learning about Christmas Traditions around the world this month, and on Monday the kids woke up to a wonderful suprise! St. Nicholas filled one of their sneakers each with healthy treats and gifts for the kids to enjoy! I was so excited for them, that I forgot to take pictures. In Germany, Christmas celebrations start on December 6th with St. Nicholas filling childrens shoes or socks with treats.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holiday decorations

The kids and I had fun decorating a tree for the learning room...the ornaments onteh tree are all school themed and were purchased at K-mart (great gift idea for teachers).
The gifts under the tree were picked out, and wrapped by each of the kids for a child from the giving tree.

Some of our field trips

One of our local home school organizations hosted a Thanksgiving Day reinactment. The kids and I attended and we had a blast! Camden was the King of England, and he really got into his was great! Riley was an indian. Following the show, we ate a thanksgiving day feast with all of the participant! It was a bit of a cold day, but it was fun none the less.

We went to the zoo and walked through the nocturnal animals exhibit, my favorite animal was the skunk! The kids liked the bats.


The kids and I had fun making Christmas gifts this is Riley painting part of one of her gifts...sssshhhh, don't tell!